New Year, New You...Hello 2016!

It’s that time of year again when we make New Year’s resolutions and promise ourselves we are going to change for the better. Welcoming the New Year should bring with it a fresh start.
For some, it brings the sudden realisation that yet another year has passed and we haven’t stopped smoking, haven’t lost weight and still stuck in a rut with a job we despise.
The following are my top tips to help you to achieve your goals:
1) Make a plan (and stick to it)! Make one resolution. Quit your job, fall in love, get out of debt and stop drinking is all too much. You will be much more successful when you focus your energy into one goal.
2) Break down your goals. Break you goals down into smaller more measurable targets. Losing 2lbs a month is much more manageable than ‘Must lose 20lbs’.
3) Reward yourself along the way. However, a piece of chocolate whilst losing weight is not always the best idea!
4) Don’t beat yourself up for falling off track. We are all human, so expect temporary setbacks.
5) Tell your friends and family about your goals. Quitting smoking is more achievable without your friends smoking around you and offering you a cigarette.
6) Remind yourself why you started!
If you feel like things are not going your way, and that you are struggling to stick to your goal plan, then speak to myself or one of my advisors to see whether hypnotherapy could benefit you. Hypnotherapy works by using relaxation techniques, leaving your subconscious mind more receptive to new ideas and suggestions – helping you to kick those bad habits. Drop me a line by email, or contact one of my advisors near you who would also be more than happy to help.
Happy New Year to you all and let’s kick start 2016!
Sheila x