Jetting off? Overcome your fear of flying

Have you still got a holiday to look forward to this year? Left right and centre it seems people are packing their suitcases and jetting off for a much needed dose of sun and sand.
However, there are many people who come to dread holiday season. A fear of flying is becoming more and more commonplace these days, as long distance travel becomes easier and more accessible. I have spoken to people who say they are so frightened of flying they can’t sleep the night before they fly, and become a nuisance to other passengers with their nervous behaviour. I have had reports of people spending a small fortune on dubious sounding ‘quick fix’ courses, sleeping tablets to take during the flight, and even missing their holiday altogether out of fear!
Hypnotherapy is an ideal solution to help people overcome their fear of flying. There is nothing unusual or magic about it, really! People are placed into a state of deep relaxation, where they can help themselves to focus and think about a situation that would normally cause fear or anxiety. This method allows people to face their fear of flying safely, while still being in control. People have told me hypnotherapy is a much better option than taking strong medications with side effects, or simply trying to ‘grin and bear it’ on the day of their flight. The number of hypnotherapy sessions needed can vary depending on the person, and the level of their phobia. I have seen people who have had just one session and board a plane the week after with no worries, however, I have also seen people take multiple sessions before they even faced a flight.
If you are interested in finding out how hypnotherapy can help you face your fears, don’t hesitate to drop me a line on my email address or browse my website for more information.
Sheila x