Feeling down? Blame the weather! How people’s moods are affected by the seasons.

Have you been experiencing mood swings lately, or feeling a little bit out of sorts? Feeling a little bit down is normal and usually picks up after a much needed cup of tea and a chat with friends.
However, some people report serious mood swings depending on the time of year. There has been a lot in the papers recently about how some people feel differently at different times of the year. I have heard from people who feel very down and depressed when it’s dark and cold during winter, that their mood usually picks up again in time for summer. I have also heard that some people report feeling very tired and sluggish during summer, but alert during winter.
It’s all too easy when its miserable and cold outside to retreat into your home, cancel those plans and snack on a serotonin-boosting snack to lift your spirits; and even with an extra half an hour in bed you still find yourself feeling tired and sleepy-headed. Some people have even resorted to buying expensive light boxes in order to get some much needed vitamin D on dark, cold days. Known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, experiencing mood swings is becomingly increasingly common, yet not much coverage has really been done on the phenomenon.
Many people are turning to hypnotherapy in order to manage their symptoms-it’s safe, and works by putting you into a state of deep relaxation, allowing you to visualise feeling happier, healthier and more balanced! This is becoming a much more viable alternative for people who don’t like the thought of lots of medication or counselling. With hypnotherapy, you are relaxed, and able to visualise a happier future for yourself, and manage your symptoms.
To find out more on how my hypnotherapy sessions can help you manage your seasonal mood swings, drop me an email on my email address.
Sheila x